Diane Wright...bio coming soon.
Abbie Campanile...bio coming soon.
JBLM CrossFit Coaching Information
Interested in coaching at JBLM CF? Here’s what you need to know about our affiliate and how we manage the staff:
- JBLM CF is an all-volunteer force. Coaches teach 3-5 classes in a two weeks period and attend a monthly coach’s huddle. Additionally, coaches are encouraged (but not required) to attend weekly team building lunches and special events.
- All coaches have successfully completed the CrossFit Level 1 Course. This is a prerequisite to instruct in our box.
- Volunteers must possess a strong coaching background or another skill needed as a part of the JBLM CF team.
- Interested volunteers should contact Head Coach Marcel Wright at marcel.m.wright@gmail.com. Marcel will conduct initial interviews and determine if individuals are a good fit for the team.
- Qualified volunteers will shadow current coaches for a brief period in order to demonstrate coaching proficiency and learn requirements mandated by our affiliate, CrossFit HQ, and JBLM MWR.
Are you looking for any volunteer trainers? I am a CF L1 trainer. I am civil service and work at Madigan. Thx, Britt