Monday, November 18, 2013

Tuesday 19 NOV 2013

Warm Up:
800M run or 1000M row
3 sets of inch worms across the gym

Tabata Time! (20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for eight rounds, total time four minutes)  This WOD is 16 minutes of total work.  Four minute Tabata for each movement.

Tabata jump rope (single or double unders)
Tabata kettlebell swings (54/35 lbs)
Tabata hand release push ups
Tabata sit ups

Scoring can be the total number of reps performed for the WOD.  I suggest bringing something to write on and with if you go this route.  Another option is to take your lowest scoring round for each movement and that is your score for that movement.  For example your lowest 20 second round of sit ups was 10, that becomes your sit up Tabata score.

Technique Videos

Here is a video demonstrating the benchmark Tabata Something Else WOD.  It is the same principle as today's WOD, just different movements.  Annie Sakamoto from CFHQ demos some kettle bell swings in this CF OG vid.  The mic'd instructor gives some detailed tips for getting those frustrating double unders and CrossFit legend Chris Spealler makes them look easy in this tutorial video.  These vids show the standards for hand release push ups and ab mat sit ups.  You can find a demo for the inchworm here.

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