Sunday, December 29, 2013

MON, 30 DEC 2013

500 Meter row
3 Rounds:
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
30 PVC passes


Compilation of some of the best FRAN times caught on video.

Friday, December 27, 2013

FRI, 27 DEC 2013

500 Meter Row
30 PVC Pass Throughs
10 Strict Press (45/35 lbs)
2 Minute Total Squat Sit
20 Burpees

A)  1-1-1 Rep Max (Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Squat Snatch)
Weight is the same for all three lifts

B) 6 RFT
25 Double Unders (30 tuck jumps if cannot do double unders)
Rest 15 seconds

Technique Video
Video showing all three snatch variations.  Tuck jump sub for double unders.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

THU, 26 DEC 2013

500 Meter Row
10 MB Cleans
10 Box Jumps
10 T2B or K2E
5 Burpees
5 Dips

A) 5-5-5-5-5 Back Squat

B)  15 Ring Dips
30 Air Squats
45 Abmat sit-ups
60 Burpees
45 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Air Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

Athletes will stagger start every 60-90 seconds.  Use a heavy weight on that final set of KB swings, it should be challenging.

Technique Videos
This is one of the better videos on training transitioning from K2E to T2B.  Here a great video that gives detailed instruction on the back squat, covering both the high bar and low bar variations.  Here is a video for some ring dip progressions, 100 burpees in under 3:30, and this link will take you to all you ever wanted to know about kettlebells.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

MON 23 DEC 13

1x500M row
3 rounds of 
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats
30 pass throughs

12 Days of Christmas

Coach note:  No class on the 24th or 25th.  Have a happy and safe holidays.

Friday, December 20, 2013

JBLM CF T-Shirts

Here is the lowdown on the JBLM CF t-shirts.  We will be taking orders till approximately January 17th.  T-shirts are starting at $20 dollars.  Need you to pay in person, in cash, and up front.  Joe is collecting the money and will be the point of contact for this initiative.  He will be collecting money on the days he is coaching.  If you cannot make a class when he is coaching, ask another coach if they will be willing to take your money and information, and relay it to Joe.  Information needed when you place your order: we need your name, the date you placed your order, the size shirt you want, preference for a mens or womens cut, style (tank or traditional), color, quantity and amount paid.  When the shirts come in it will be announced here as well as on our Facebook page.  If you will not be around when shirts arrive (approximately 31 Jan), Joe is willing to mail them to you, but that will incure an additional $3 dollars for shipping.  If you have any questions just shoot us an e-mail or grab Joe at the gym.  The shirts are going to be the 60/40 cotton/poly blend (that soft, lightweight feeling type shirt).


Thursday, December 19, 2013

FRI 20 DEC 2013

20 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
20 Squats
400 meter run
20 Walking lunges
20 Burpees

Turkish get-up
Burgener warm-up
Squat snatch

A. 10-15 minutes to practice and work up in weight on Turkish get-up

B.  10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Squat Snatch ( determine own weight)

Techinque Videos
Turkish get-upBurgener warm-up, slo mo snatch with commentary,

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

THU 19 DEC 2013

500 Meter row
10 Wall ball as high as possible
10 Sit-ups
10 Shoulder press 45/35 lbs
10 Tuck jumps

A.  25 Minute Cap
Power clean and Push jerk for 5 sets of 1.1.1
rest 10 seconds between reps and 2 minutes between sets

B.  12 Minute AMRAP
30 KB Swings (53/35 lbs)
40 Ab-mat sit-ups
50 Double Unders (150 singles)

Technique Videos Here is a good video of the clean and jerk in slow motion along with a coaching narrative.  Here is a tuck jump video and some tips for improving your kettlebell swing technique. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WED 18 DEC 2013

5x10 Single unders followed by 5 double unders
25 Sit-ups
20 Air squats
10 T2B
5 Burpees as fast as possible

Goblet Squat
Toes to KB

Tabata Mash Up
20 Seconds of air squats
rest 10 seconds
20 Seconds of toes to KB
rest ten seconds
20 Seconds of goblet squats
rest ten seconds
20 Seconds of Double unders (single unders)
rest ten seconds
Repeat....for a total of 8 times through

Technique Videos
Goblet squat, some tips for improving your air squat, some double under progressions

Monday, December 16, 2013

TUE 17 DEC 2013

800m run
2 x (all with PVC)
  10 good mornings
  10 front squat
  10 lunges with PVC in front rack
  10 squat cleans

WOD: (A: 10 min max; B: 15 min max)
A) 4x 30 second sprints on rower with approx 70 second rest between sets – in groups of 3, one person will row as fast as they can for 30 seconds and then switch out with the next in line.  A transition time of about 5-10 seconds will be allowed between rowers and then the next 30-second timer will begin. 

B) For time (and from the ground):
15 front squats (135/95lb)

15 push press/jerk

15 lunges w/bar in front rack

15 power cleans
15 bar-facing burpees

Sunday, December 15, 2013

MON 16 DEC 2013

30 Regular jumping jack
30 Clapping jumping jacks
400M Run

2 Rounds
10 Arm rotations
10 Sit-ups
10 Hand release push-ups
10 Air squats
10 Strict shoulder press (45/35 lbs)
10 Jumping squats (20 total)

Skin the cat
"L" Holds
Pull-up variations
Medicine ball clean

A:  15 minutes to work to a 3 rep max weighted pull-up.  Work on Skin the cat and "L" holds between sets.

B:  15 Minute AMRAP
1 Wall Walk
Bear crawl length of the gym
12 Medicine ball cleans

Technique Videos

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Friday, 13 December 2013

Warm -Up:
400m run
15 burpees
5 C2B
15 DU
5 T2B
15 PVC thrusters
bearcrawl from pull-up rack to WB wall and back

2 Rnds
90 sec “Cindy”
   Rest 90 sec
90 sec row
   Rest 90 sec
90 sec of 5 PP & 5 burpees
   Rest 90 sec
90 sec of 10 thrusters and 10 KBS
   Rest 90 sec

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, 12 December 2013

    x 30 DU
       15 squats
       5-10 ring dips (if an athlete cannot do ring dips, then they need to do 5 jumping ring dips and practice the hold at the top for at least 5 seconds)
       15 pass throughs
       5-10 push press with 45lb bar

Skin the cat (demonstrate and then have everyone practice to their own abilities.  BE CAREFUL!)

Core Strength: (5 min)
5 x 30 sec “L” hang from bar / x 30 sec rest (the goal is for people to hold their legs out straight, but just holding knees to chest is a good scale)

WOD: (cap at 12 minutes, any longer means they should be doing a lighter weight)
For Time:
30 cln & jrk (135/95)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wenesday, 11 December 2013

400m run
2 SETS x
        10 HRPU
        10 DL with max of 45lb bar
        10 shldr rotations (5 each way per arm)
chest to bar pull-ups (C2B) and spend 10 minutes working on either kip or C2B

Sumo DL high pull (SDLHP)

SDLHP (135/95)
DU x 2 (i.e. 41-30-18)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

1,000m row
Sampson stretch walk across gym
15 sit-ups
1 min of accumulated sqaut sit
15 jumping squats
15 sit-ups
30 pass throughs

stretch hip flexors, shoulders, abs

4 RFT:
50 ft OH wlk lunge (45/25lb plat held OH, arms extended)
15 K2E

Monday, 9 December 2013

400m run
3sets x
 20 air squats
 15 goblet squats with KB
 10 hand-release push-ups (HRPU)
rest as needed

Stretch hamstrings, calves, thighs, chest, back

Practice: spend 5 to 8 minutes at the beginning of class practicing kipping pull-ups and pistols, but don’t wear yourself out!

“Barbara” - 5 RFT of
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 BWS
Rest 3 min between rounds

*Scale to 3 rounds for ALL athletes who have less than 3 months of CF experience.  NO EXCEPTIONS! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

6 December

junkyard dog
2 x 10 burpees / 10 jumping sqts / 20 pass throughs

For time:
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 -1 of barbell complex
do 20 abmat sit ups and 10 burpeesafter each set of barbell complex 

5 December

800m run
2 x 10 sqts / 10 PVC DL / 10 PVC OHS
2 x 10 shoulder press (max 45lb bar)

SWOD: 2-2-2-2-2 split jerk

"Diane" 21-15-9
DL (225/155)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

4 December

WOD (stagger start):
500m row 
50 steps OH walking lunge (45/35)
40 push-ups
30 PVC OHS (going to full depth)
20 K2E
10 wall climbs

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

03 December

SWOD (max 25 min): 5-5-5-5-5 back squat

WOD (max 5 min):
10 box jump (24/20 in)
10 PP (95/65)
10 ring dips
10 DU

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Monday - 02 December 2013

Workout of the Day:

4 Rounds for Time:
30 unbroken wall balls
rest 2 minutes
20 kettlebell swings
rest 1 minute
10 strict pull ups
rest 30 seconds

*30 minute time cap. Goal for wall balls and kettlebell swings is to go unbroken. Use an appropriate but challenging weight!

Monday, November 25, 2013

TUE 26 NOV 2013 WOD

Warm Up:
5 Minutes of Double Under Work
PVC Pass Throughs

Work to one rep max snatch, then...
5 sets of 3 reps @85% on one rep max

Technique Videos
Josh Everett gives a great tutorial on the snatch.  How many double unders can you do in a minute?  Check out this video of the world record double under attempt.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

MON 25 NOV 2013 WOD

Warm UP:
800M run
3 rounds
10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Lunges
10 Air Squats

4 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders (150 singles for substitution)
6 Thrusters (135/95)

Technique Videos
Check out these videos for some heavy thruster and double under action.

Coach notes:
The thrusters should be relatively heavy.  If you cannot do the Rx weight, select a weight that will challenge you to complete 6 reps unbroken.  A typical scale for double unders is a 3 to 1 single to double ration, hence the 150 singles for the double under substitution.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

FRI 22 NOV 2013 WOD

Warm Up:
800M Run
3 x ME (max effort) L-Sit

11 Knee to elbow
11 Air Squats
11 Push Jerks (135/95)
11 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (135/95)
11 Squat Clean (95/65)
11 Thrusters (95/65)
11 Wall Ball (20/14)
11 Ring Dips
11 Handstand Push Up
11 Pull Ups
11 Push Ups

Technique Videos
Here are some videos to help you with some of the movements (ring dips, handstand push ups, knees to elbowsumo deadlift high pull, and push jerk.  Video for the other movements can be found in previous posts.

Coaches Notes:  There is a lot going on in this WOD and might be fairly complicated to do with a full house.  This will take some teamwork and creativity to get done.  Be prepared for this to be run in heats or as a team.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Warm Up:
800M Run
Inch Worms
PVC Pass Throughs

Cindy (20 Minute AMRAP)
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Technique Videos
Cindy is a metabolic grinder.  This is a great follow up after the strength focused WOD yesterday.  Just keep moving and do your best.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WED 20 NOV 2013 WOD

Warm Up:
800M run
PVC Pass throughs
PVC Position work

Clean (This is a full clean, not a power clean.  If you need to, power clean the weight first then perform a front squat.  Movement is from the floor, not from the hang.)

3-3-3-3-3 (Rest 3 minutes between sets)
Reps should be touch and go, rest in the rack position if you need to.

Technique Videos
Check out this video series on how to perform the clean, then  clean some more, and clean again.  This is a strength based WOD obviously, we will do these from time to time in order to build strength and really focus on learning and performing these movements safely.  Here is a cool video of the clean and jerk broken down in slow motion.  

Coaches note:  Notice the upright back position in the bottom of the clean in the videos.  When practicing your squats, any squat, always strive to maintain the same position you would for your clean.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tuesday 19 NOV 2013

Warm Up:
800M run or 1000M row
3 sets of inch worms across the gym

Tabata Time! (20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for eight rounds, total time four minutes)  This WOD is 16 minutes of total work.  Four minute Tabata for each movement.

Tabata jump rope (single or double unders)
Tabata kettlebell swings (54/35 lbs)
Tabata hand release push ups
Tabata sit ups

Scoring can be the total number of reps performed for the WOD.  I suggest bringing something to write on and with if you go this route.  Another option is to take your lowest scoring round for each movement and that is your score for that movement.  For example your lowest 20 second round of sit ups was 10, that becomes your sit up Tabata score.

Technique Videos

Here is a video demonstrating the benchmark Tabata Something Else WOD.  It is the same principle as today's WOD, just different movements.  Annie Sakamoto from CFHQ demos some kettle bell swings in this CF OG vid.  The mic'd instructor gives some detailed tips for getting those frustrating double unders and CrossFit legend Chris Spealler makes them look easy in this tutorial video.  These vids show the standards for hand release push ups and ab mat sit ups.  You can find a demo for the inchworm here.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monday, 18 NOV 2013

800M run
3x30 sec squat sits
30 PVC pass throughs

21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65) and pull ups

Technique Videos

Have you ever heard of Fran?  If you have been CrossFitting for a little while odds are that you have.  When Fran is announced it elicits many different emotions for many different people.  She is one of, if not, the most famous of all CrossFit benchmark workouts.  It is a couplet of thrusters and pull ups completed as fast as you can get the work done.  Here are some Fran tips from the guys at technique WOD.  Have fun with this one!  If your feeling a bit nostalgic, check out the story behind this notorious workout.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday 15 NOV 2013 WOD

Take some time to work to your one rep max back squat, then at 3-2-1 GO:

15 Minutes of EMOM:
2 reps at 80% of your established one rep max

Here is a good video on performing the back squat performed by a couple of CrossFit strongest guys; Dave Lipson and Rob Orlando.  If you're looking for a real smoker of a Back Squat WOD, try and take on Rich Froning's Bring Sally Up Challenge demonstrated by the NorCal Lab.  Any WOD that makes Jason Khalipa tap out has got to be a crusher.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

14 NOV 2013 WOD

3 Minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) of:
5 Toes to bar
8 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then...

12 Minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) of:
3 Sumo deadlift high-pull (95/65 lbs)
3 Power cleans (95/65 lbs)

Technique Videos

Toes to bar review brought t oy ou by CrossFit Black Knight.  And a review of the good ol' Air squat with CrossFit Games Judge guru Adrian Bozeman.

This is an OG CF video demonstrating the SDHP (Sumo Deadlift High-Pull).  As well as another OG CF video on the Medicine Ball Clean.  Feeling a bit nostalgic today.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

13 NOV 2013 WOD

15 Minute AMRAP:
7 Shoulder to overhead (use push press or push jerk) (135/95 lbs)
10 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)
20 Ab mat situps

Technique Videos
Video demonstrating the three variations for shoulder to overhead movement.  Courtesy of CF BNI.
Kelly Starett, CF Mobility guru gives somes tips to get ready for performing the overhead squat and snatch lifts.  The mic'd instructor from Again Faster also covers a lot of good info for the OHS.
The ab-mat sit-up, while simple, still should be done properly.  Jason Khalipa gives some good tips on the performance of this movement.

Remember, mechanics, consistency, then intensity.

12 NOV 2013 WOD

For time:
400M row
10 TTB/K2E
20 Medicine Ball Cleans
30 Burpees w/jump over ball
20 Medicine Ball Cleans
10 TTB/K2E
400M row

Jason Khalipa gives a great short tutorial on how to perform toes to bar a few different ways.
This video covers the medicine ball clean, courtesy of CFHQ.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

8 NOV 2013 WOD

Reminder that the 8 NOV class will be at 1100.

800 meter run
Tabata alternating L-sit / Squat sit (4 minutes of: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest)
10 x each movement in review

Air squat
Front squat
Overhead squat
Shoulder press
Push press

Team WOD:
In teams of 2-3, each member completes:
50 Overhead squats (team determines weight)
40 Sit-ups
30 Wall Balls
20 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
10 Deadlift (225/155 lbs)

Note:  When considering what weight to use, the Rx weight is a guideline.  Athletes always have the option to scale up or scale down.  Videos for all these movements have been posted to previous WODs from this week. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

7 NOV 2013 WOD

400 meter run / 500 meter row
3 x 30 second plank / 30 sec squat sit
PVC pass thought

Overhead squat (OHS)

Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
Pull Ups
Technique Videos

Overhead squat video posted by CrossFit Boston.  Another great video on how to work OHS progressions from CrossFit Ireland, and they have cool accents.

Video by North State CrossFit showing the strict, kipping, and butterfly pull-up.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

6 NOV 2013 WOD

Warm Up:
400 meter run / 500 meter row
PVC pipe good mornings
3 x 20 second hollow rocks

Deadlift (DL)

10 DL (225/155 lbs)
400 meter run
Technique Videos

This is one of the better videos on the deadlift out there.  Then again, I highly suggest looking at the Mic'd instructors video series.  They have a lot of very good detailed information.

Monday, November 4, 2013

5 NOV 2013 WOD

400 meter run / 500 meter row
3 x 10 air squats, hand release push-up
2 x Samson stretch lunge
(Hip mobility)

Front squat
Shoulder press, push press
Ab mat sit-up

12 Front squats (95/65 lbs)
12 Ab mat sit-ups
6 Shoulder press (95/65 lbs)
Technique vidéos

Front squat video by Scott Herman Fitness.
What the heck is a Samson stretch anyway.  Quick video courtesy of Paradiso CrossFit demos this classic CrossFit warm-up movement.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

4 NOV 2013 WOD

First official JBLM CrossFit programmed WOD.

Warm Up:
400 meter run / 500 meter row
3 x 10 Push-ups, sit-ups, lunges
Squat sits 3 x 10-30 seconds
PVC pass through

Wall Ball

12 Minute AMRAP
200 meter run
8 Burpees
8 Wall Balls (20/14)
Technique Videos

Quick video on how to perform burpees correctly.
Old school CF HQ on how to perform squats.
And finally a quick video for performing wall balls.
Finally a video for the simple yet effective PVC pass throughs.  Notice the grip narrows till movement gets difficult.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 OCT 2013 WOD

This WOD was derived from CrossFit Invictus and their performance blog (3 OCT 2013).

A.  Three sets of:
5 Front Squats
Rest 3 minutes
Warm up well and build to your heaviest five reps.

B.  For time:
30 Pull ups
20 Box jumps (24"/20")
10 Snatch (135/95 lbs)
20 Box jumps (24"/20")
30 Pull ups
Snatch should be a full squat snatch.
Training Videos
CrossFit Saskatoon posted a viideo of the traditional front squat, looks like they borrowed it from CFHQ.  If you have tight wrists there are other variations you can use to perform the front squat such as these 3 variations.
Jason Khalipa teaches the kipping pull up.
This video from PTG offers a quick look at how to perform the landing, progressions, and techniques for the box jump.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

30 OCT 2013 WOD

This WOD is brought to you today by CrossFit Invictus and their performance blog (2 OCT 2013)

A. 5 sets of:
3 Hang Cleans
Rest 2-3 minutes
Build to your heaviest 3 rep max.

B.  12 minute AMRAP:
15 Kettlebell swings (24/16 kg)
10 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)
100 meter sprint
Count every ten meters as one rep for scoring purposes.

Post your scores to comments.
Training videos
This video demonstrates the 3 rep hang clean scheme courtesy of Ryan Seager.  The cleans in this video are squat cleans, but for the WOD you can choose either the squat or power versions.
This video covers the wall ball technique.  It is over 8 minutes long.  I am really impressed that a guy can talk about the wall ball for this long.  Some pretty good tips and info in this video though.
This video covers the sprint.  Do it like this guy and you are probably doing it right.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

29 OCT 2013 WOD

This WOD is brought to you by CrossFit Invictus and their performance blog (1 OCT 2013)

A,  Five sets of:
Shoulder Press x 3 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Heavy weights for the 3 reps, build the weight each set.  Final set should be 3 rep max.

B.  Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 Hand release push-ups
30 Double Unders
Pressing movements are not all the same.  This video covers the shoulder press, push press, and push jerk with Jason Khalipa.
So what the heck is a hand release push-up?  This video covers the basics of the hand release push-up with Paradiso CrossFit.

Monday, October 28, 2013

28 OCT 2013 WOD

Courtesy of CrossFit Invictus Competition Blog (28 SEP 2013)

A.  AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
1 Clean (power or full) 205/135 lbs
1 Chest to bar pull-up
2 Cleans
2 Chest to bar pull-ups...then 3 and 3, 4 and 4, and so on
Rest exactly 8 minutes, then...

B.  AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
Same Clean and Chest to bar pull-up ladder, except weight for clean is 155/105 lbs.
Rest exactly 8 minutes, then...

C.  AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
250 meter row
25 kettlebell swings (32/24 kg)
50 Double Unders
(Every ten meters of rowing equals one rep for scoring purposes)
Chest to bar pull ups - Matt Chan goes over some techniques for knocking out those chest to bar pull-ups.
Double Unders - Chris Spealler, arguably the sickest double underer in the world goes over some tips for performing the double unders.  If you don't have these, it takes practice...practice...practice.
Kettlebell Swings - While a relatively simple movement, there is some technique in perfomring these efficiently.  Reebok CrossFit One demos the kettlebell swing in this video.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

20 OCT 2013 WOD

Courtesy of CrossFit Invictus competition blog (27 SEP 2013)

A. EMOM for 10 minutes:
Power Snatch x 3 reps
Build the load over the course of the 10 sets.  Start light, last 2-3 sets should be "heavy" for the triple. 

B.  Five sets of:
Close grip bench press x 5-6 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Toes to Bar x 12-15 reps
(Try to keep these unbroken)
Rest 90 seconds

C.  Three sets of:
Weighted dips (stationary) x 8-10 reps @ 20lbs
(Hold for two seconds at the top - use rings if a stationary dip station is unavailable)
Rest 90 seconds
GHD sit up x 15-20 reos
Rest 90 seconds

D.  Three sets for max calories of:
60 seconds of airdyne (rom if no airdyne available)
Rest 60 seconds
Training Videos
Toes to bar - Quick video with Jason Khalipa on Toes to Bar.  Jason Khalipa is a big dude and crushes a movement that typically favors smaller athletes.  Some great tips in a short video.
GHD Sit Ups - Great video on how to use a GHD properly by Matt Chan. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

23 OCT 2013 WOD

Courtesy of CrossFit Invictus Competition Blog (25 SEP 2013)

A.  Eight sets of:
Tempo Front Squat @3-1x1 + Front Squat
Three second descent to the bottom of the front squat, then a one second pause at the bottom and then stand up as quickly as possible, then reset, tighten up and perform another front squat with no tempo restriction.  Build to heaviest load possible.

B.  Three rounds for time of:
10 Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
20 Barbell Weighted Walking Lunges (135/95 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes and then...

C.  Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)

Optional A.M./Additional Session:

A.  Easy 1-Mile Warm_Up Run

B.  Ten sets of:
Run 90 seconds @ 70-75%
Run 30 seconds @ 85-90%

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

22 OCT 2013 WOD

Courtesy of CrossFit Invictus Competition Blog (24 SEP 2013)

A.  Three sets, not for time of:
Muscle Ups: 7 reps
Nose to wall handstand hold: 60-90 seconds
Strict toes to bar: 8-10 reps

B.  Four sets of:
Snatch balance x 3 reps @ 70-80% of 1RM snatch
(Pause for 1-2 seconds in the receiving/bottom position)
Rest 2 minutes

C.  Six sets of:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean
Rest 2 minutes
Pull barbell from the floor to just above the knee and pause for 1-2 seconds - you should feel weight distributed through mid and rear foot, tension through your hamstrings, and your lats should actively pull the barbell into your thighs.  Then stand tall, then clean from the high hang position.

D.  Three sets for time of:
Row 500 meters
50 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-ups
Rest 4 minutes

Monday, October 21, 2013

21 OCT 2013 WOD

Workout courtesy of the CrossFit Invictus Competition Blog (23 SEP 2013)

A.  Six sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch
Rest 2-3 Minutes

B.  Over the course of 8 sets, build to a 90-95% 1-RM Split Jerk

C. Back Squat
Set 1-5 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
Set 2-3 reps @ 85-90%
Set 3-1 rep @ 90-95%
Set 4-6 --10 reps @ 65-75%
Rest two minutes between sets

Optional A.M./additional session

A. Easy 1 mile warm-up run

B. Six sets of:
100 Yard Accelerations
(Start at 60%, build up every 10-15 yard until you reach 90%, then slowly begin to taper back down the last 30-40 yards)
Rest 90 seconds

C.  Run 400 meters @ 80%
Rest 60 seconds
Run 400 meters @ 75%
Rest 60 seconds
Run 400 meters @ 70%
Training videos

Back Squat - Video provided by Crossfit on 18th coach Brian English.
Split Jerk - Video by Jon Gilson from Again Faster.  The mic'd instructor has a lot of very detailed and informative videos on how to perform the proper technique for many different movements along with helpful cues.
Halting Snatch Deadlift - Video from PureStrength demonstrating the halting snatch deadlift.
Snatch Pulls - Slow motion video of the snatch pull by Tony Bevilacqua.
Snatch - Slow motion video done by olympic weightlifting coach Jim Schmitz.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

17 OCT 2013 WOD

Workout courtesy of CrossFit Invictus Competition blog (18 SEP 2013)

A.  Three sets, not for time, of:
Russian Leg Lifts x 6-8 reps
Alternating Pistols x 12-16 reps
Kettlebell Snatch 8-10 reps each arm

B.  Eight sets of:
Clean + Clean from below the knee (at least 2" below the knee cap, plates hovering slightly off the floor)
Rest as needed
Build over the course of the eight sets.

C.  Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 Box jump-overs (24"/20)
10 Front Squats (185/135 lb)
Russian Leglifts - Demo video
Pistol Squats - Demo video
Kettlebell Snatch - Demo video
Box Jump Overs - Demo video
Front Squats - Demo video
Clean below the knee - Demo video.
Clean - Demo video.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

16 OCT 2013 WOD

Workout courtesy of CrossFit Invictus Competition Blog (17 SEP 2013)

A. Three sets, not for time of:
Wall Climbs, 4-6 reps
Skin the cat, 4-6 reps
Butterfly pull-ups, 12 reps

B. Five sets of:
Push Press + Power Jerk + Jerk
Rest as needed

C. For the following three segments, post three separate times, but leave the clock running:

For time:
Row 2000 meters
When the clock reaches 10 minutes complete the following for time:
10 Muscle Ups
20 Burpees
30 Double Unders
40 Ring Dips
30 DOuble Unders
20 Burpees
10 Muscle Ups
When the clock reaches 20 minutes complete the following for time:
Row 2000 meters

 If you fail to meet the time cap for any portion, simply proceed straight into the next session without rest. Scale if you know any portion of the WOD will prevent you from finishing in a reasonable time.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

15 OCT 2013 WOD

Workout courtesy of CF Invictus Competition Blog (16 SEP 2013)

A.  Five sets of:
Hang Power Snatch+Power Snatch+Overhead Squat
Rest as needed

B.  Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps
Rest as needed

C.  "The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

135/95 lb Power Cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 60 seconds

Repeat for five cycles.

Training Videos

Power Snatch - Video posted by Northstate CrossFit.
Romanian Deadlift - Video posted by CrossFit New England.
Overhead Squat - CrossFit HQ video review of Overhead Squat (OHS) fundamentals.
Hang Power Snatch - Posted by Integrated Fitness.

Friday, October 11, 2013

JBLM CrossFit is Back

CrossFit is back on JBLM.  More to follow as the affiliate gets up and running.